Lord, How Do I Believe?

Posted On January 28th, 2012

Believing is the key to having all things possible to you (Matt 21:17-22). Until you believe that you have received when you pray, you cannot have what you are asking; it's that simple and this is what the LORD said. Believing involves activating spiritual senses. This is a very powerful principle that allows men to see into God's reality. It is through same principle that men are able to see God's angels and other spiritual beings, and also discern spiritual things. We understand and know that man is a spirit that has a soul and lives in a body. Man attains his innate spiritual form either when he separates from his body at physical death, or receives a spiritual body at the resurrection, whether at the rapture or at the judgment. This spirit of man has almost the same form like the physical man and has the five senses and all mental faculties. These faculties need to be activated before you can absolutely believe what God says and have strong faith in this world.

This absolutely requires the help of the Holy Spirit but much also depends on you. So how is this done? When you pray and there are no wrong actions, motives, or requests in your life, this means you have access to God and He is willing to answer your request. This settles God's part of the equation. God will now search whether you have faith to receive your request. God does this many times because your faith is what is required to receive from Him as His works has already been finished out of time. This is why Christ asked many of their faith before he healed them. Releasing your faith is your part of the equation, the part that requires activating your spiritual senses to unlock the promise God has given.

Activating spiritual senses involves bringing into material existence what is being prayed. This is an attribute of God Himself and also of restored man in Christ whereby both can bring into existence things unseen (Rom 4:17, Gal 5:22, Matt 17:20, 21:22, Mk 9:23, 11:22-24, Lk 17:6, Heb 11). This is the key evidence you need for faith to always work - what you are asking must be brought to existence. To believe, you must change the image of what you prayed from what it used to be to become what you have asked God. This takes place in your spirit imagination only. This new image formed in your spirit by the Holy Ghost is then continually imprinted in your mind either immediately or by your mouth (confession of faith) such that anytime your mind sees that specific thing, it would always recognize it in the new image form and not the way it looks to the physical eye. When this process completes in your spirit sometimes in few seconds, faith is alive and the physical form will instantaneously transform and conform materially to the new spiritual image and ceases to exist in its original physical form. This is made possible by the creative power of God by the Holy Spirit. Then a miracle has occurred! Praise God!

This needs a lot of practice - to change the image of things seen with the physical eyes to exactly what God has declared them to be, whatever it is. This is the heavenly reality where God lives and operates, and time ceases to exist. Now, for all things to be made possible to you, you must not have unforgiveness in your heart towards anyone. Forgiveness of man is the condition for the forgiveness of God (Mk 11:25-26). Heavenly Father, bear witness to many that read these words that these things are true. Increase our faith, and help us to believe and obey your Word. Father, now that you are lifted up, draw men to yourself. Amen and MARANATHA.
